Exciting and unique music sessions and entertainment for people with learning disabilities in the Sussex area.
Offering motivational music sessions which are both stimulating and fun for people in a group setting.
Taking each individual into account and therefore enabling all service users to participate.
The aim of each class is to stimulate and motivate each individual, to help increase self-awareness and improve self-confidence.
Apart from enabling a shared experience, our music sessions can help release frustration due to difficulty in communicating verbally.
The music can also be a means of communicating between individuals.
Each person is encouraged to choose from a variety of instruments including drums, percussion, and handheld instruments, as well as their voices to explore sound, enabling the individual to enjoy and learn from making music together, at the same time helping to develop an awareness of themselves in relation to others.
Our music sessions are enjoyable and great fun!
We ensure that everyone gets as much as they can out of the session.
'Let the music transform the atmosphere and feel the effect ripple through the building'.
Our music sessions offer an opportunity for individuals to sing, play, perform, listen, and move. Engaging mind, body, and spirit, also allows skills to be developed and maintained.
A typical session would run for an hour and a half, the structure is as follows:
We introduce/reintroduce ourselves, also giving each individual in the group an opportunity to also introduce themselves if they wish.
Two or three songs are chosen by the clients, using lyric sheets, appropriate for the individual client group, being accompanied by the music leader playing an instrument, or by using the CD player.
A rhythmic musical activity using a selection of small handheld percussion instruments chosen by the individual client, assisting with musical timing, fine and gross motor coordination, creativity, listening, social interaction and improvisation, which means creating music on the spot or in the moment.
Each client chooses a drum of their choice. As a group we play simple rhythms, playing together and generally having fun!
Drumming triggers the release of endorphins (feel-good hormones) it energises the mind and body and brings about a feeling of welling.
We end the session by listening to different kinds of music from around the world.
Our music sessions are about giving the client an opportunity to have a shared musical experience, interacting as a group, playing music together. We use a variety of percussion instruments as well as our voices to create music.
Because of our session structure, people can join in; play musical instruments regardless of the individual’s level of ability.
Everyone naturally responds to music.
Music can express feelings that cannot necessarily be put into words. Music can break down barriers of illness or disability.
Research demonstrates that music-making can bring positive change
There are many ways clients can benefit from our music sessions, they include:
But most importantly music can improve and maintain the quality of our lives, which lets us then have a happier outlook on life!
Crafty Art is an arts and crafts group specifically for people with learning disabilities.
A fun art group enabling the participants to increase their skills, coordination, and creativity, but also a great way to express and communicate feelings to others through art.
Crafty Art group is also a great opportunity to socialise with others, meet new people and share ideas.
There are lots of benefits in spending time doing arts and crafts as it has great positive rewards.
Making art stimulates the brain, causing it to produce more dopamine, which is a happy hormone. Using art to express creativity boosts serotonin levels and reduces stress.
Art and craft can also Improve creative skills, improve concentration, boosts self-confidence, have the freedom to feel inspired, learning new skills which can lead to a more positive outlook and a happier life.
For people who find it difficult to verbally express their thoughts and feelings, art can be a means of communication. Providing a sense of accomplishment and boosting self-esteem.
Getting involved with arts and crafts can be a great chance to socialise and meet new like-minded people.
Being busy and creating new things is a great way to take your mind off anything else that might be going on in the world and concentrate on developing new skills whilst having fun!
Painting – painting can be a great way to express yourself, help to build confidence and relax the mind.
LIFE SKILLS is an opportunity for people with learning disabilities to come together and talk about what is important for them in the day to day running of their lives.
Working directly with individuals allows them to voice their concerns or opinions and preferences about what services they receive, and how they receive them. Supporting and guiding people in self-centred planning and developing life skills, then supporting the individual towards living as independently as possible
LIFE SKILLS provide a space where people can take their time to learn at their own pace, through discussions of scenarios that simulate everyday problems and issues that arise and then allowing the individual to learn how to deal with them whilst in a safe environment.
This could range from deciding which types of food they should be buying at the supermarket to how to react to a house fire. There is even the opportunity to practice making a 999-phone call as well as sharing life stories and experiences with others in a confidential and safe environment. Working with experienced support staff as well as other services coming in to discuss specialist issues and the group members having the opportunity to speak about and ask questions regarding the issues and topics.
The aim is to help improve the lives of people with learning difficulties by providing discussion and realistic sets where people can learn and practise independent living skills. Whilst having been offered support in improving their existing skills over a period of time.
LIFE SKILLS - Empowering individuals to gain basic life skills means that they have equal life opportunities.
Encouraging people with learning disabilities assists them to explore different activities that may ultimately help them start to plan a future of independent living, then giving them the chance to thrive and interact within their local community and achieve their own personal goals.
Many life skills are easily attainable if you know where to start.
Living a healthy lifestyle is an integral part of quality of life. Life skills such as healthy eating, exercise, and personal hygiene, can make the individual feel better, look better and enhance long-term health and quality of life.
Personal Hygiene is the first step in taking care of yourself, and personal appearance can often help boost confidence in social situations. In fact, looking and smelling good will help nurture a sense of personal pride,
Daily habits such as showering, brushing teeth, using deodorant and perfume/aftershave, getting dressed and combing hair, may seem simple, but can significantly improve personal hygiene and confidence.
It’s easy to forget. But keeping up with one’s personal hygiene helps build self-confidence and self-reliability. It also makes people more approachable and essential to making new friends and gaining new opportunities.
Sexuality is a normal part of life. We’re all human, and experience feelings and desires that drive us toward sexual activity.
However, with sexual activity comes responsibility. The responsibility to treat others with respect and the responsibility to understand and practice sexual health.
Adults with disabilities, just like anyone else, can have rewarding sexual relationships. But in order to do so, they may need some additional support and information.
Relationships come in all shapes and forms - from friends, family, support workers, carers, and intimate partners – the skills required to develop meaningful relationships are diverse and challenging.
But without developing the skills to nurture and sustain these relationships, life can be lonely. So, taking the time to invest in the life skills required to build meaningful relationships is a worthwhile pursuit.
LIFE SKILLS will offer the opportunity to discuss issues around relationships, feelings and emotions, the responsibilities in relationships and friendships, and boundaries.
Relationships all begin with social interactions. The first impression we make can often be a lasting one, and it’s a sad reality that many people, whether we like it or not, have pre-formed biases towards many minority groups in society
Longer-term, education is key to changing attitudes.
However, to effectively engage in social interactions with confidence, there are some basic skills that can help in this development of social interactions.
Learning the skills associated with effective communication can be a lifetime journey for any adult Concepts of communication can be anything from understanding the power of showing interest in others and asking questions, or actively listening to what someone has to say. It can also be about acknowledging what someone else says or responding to a question.
LIFE SKILLS support the individual in learning the skills associated with effective communication.
Making friends and developing friendships is important, but in order to do so, we may need to acquire the core values of being a friend.
The skill of making friends comes down to respecting others feelings, finding common interests and maintaining contact when they are not around.
Communication skill development and behavioural support are offered to help each individual form important relationships with friends, family, and other people.
individuals will have the opportunity to make new friends in the sessions as well as at our organised activities and social events.
LIFE SKILLS will help to encourage and support the individual on a journey of personal development and growth.
Healthy living is the starting point for the fun things that can come from day-to-day life. Because in the end that’s what we are all striving for; a happy and fulfilling lifestyle.
When we are healthy, it enables us to make the most of other activities such as shopping, household chores and community hobbies.
It is useful to be aware of our lifestyles, and how we could enhance our lives by making choices by talking to others.
LIFE SKILLS will support individuals in making positive informed choices in their lives, to support the individual to take more responsibility in staying healthy, taking up new hobbies, getting involved in the community, building relationships, and starting to work, either paid or voluntary or attend college placements – all these things contribute to a meaningful lifestyle for any adult.
In our group sessions, developing LIFE SKILLS isn’t just about a more independent lifestyle. It’s also about having more fun and enjoying the day-to-day social opportunities that come along.
LIFE SKILLS offers support and discussion around how to maintain a healthy diet and the benefits of healthy eating.
From a physical perspective, eating healthy foods creates more energy, helps maintain a healthy weight and prevents the increased risk of illness or disease later in life.
Exercising daily can start with something as simple as a walk to the shops, or a few arm raises. We can discuss appropriate exercises for each individual’s ability, taking little steps in working towards a healthier lifestyle. These small steps can boost energy levels and over time will improve body image, strength, and wellbeing.
Shopping is a great way to interact in the community, improve communication and social skills, as well as learn important life skills such as money handling.
And supporting the individual in growing their independence and self-confidence.
In group sessions we will have a discussion around shopping and how the group members can incorporate shopping in their allocated support time.
Activities such as washing, ironing, cleaning, or gardening may be the type of life skills the individual can start to build around their home and environment.
Much like all the other skills mentioned, the real benefit they will get from working on these skills is the confidence that they can learn new things. This confidence will be invaluable when they seek to approach other areas of development.
Group members will have an opportunity in how they can incorporate household activities into their everyday lives and be supported to do this with their family members, carers, support worker or keyworker.
Sport can be a great way to develop friends, communication skills and stay fit and healthy. Hobbies are a huge part of a fulfilled lifestyle and something any adult should partake in. We will talk about different hobbies, sports and interest groups that are out there, and give the individual the opportunity to think about what they are passionate about and encourage them to do more of it and how to gain access appropriate any hobbies or interests.
LIFE SKILLS Offer discussion around what type of hobbies the individual enjoys doing. Have they considered playing sport?
Many of us like to spend time in our local communities. Whether we’re shopping, playing sport, or just going for a walk, participating in the community shapes the way we live our life.
The more someone interacts and engages with the local community in ways, this can help develop skills and confidence, like taking the plunge and striking up a conversation with someone, or doing something you wouldn’t usually do, the easier it becomes.
Using public transport is a great opportunity to interact with people and boost someone’s skill set and confidence. Some may feel nervous or feel uncomfortable initially but talking about how we feel regarding using public transport can be helpful and enabling the individual in building confidence and self-esteem around this issue. Group members will have an opportunity to practice using public transport on trips out into the community on group outings with staff members and can also be incorporated in their support sessions.
LIFE SKILLS will offer the opportunity for group members to practice these skills.
With increased independence comes a greater need for awareness.
Life Skills will offer individuals a better understanding of these situations, and how to keep ourselves safe whilst out in the community. The goal is to help individuals to reach a competency level at which they can interact in everyday situations more independently. In our group sessions, there will be discussions around road safety and group members will be able to put this into practice when accessing the community with support or independently.
Routines can be comforting for some of us, but they’re also important to learn to navigate daily life in our society. Day centres, grocery stores, public transport– all have routines and specific hours of operation. In order to increase confidence and become more independent, we must learn to operate within these parameters, which is why telling the time is such an important life skill.
The more you understand how to count money and understand the value of money, the more independent you can be. Not only will we need these skills to purchase items that we need and want, but we also have to be careful that people aren’t taking advantage of us, for example: by giving us back less change than we are owed during a transaction, also lending money to people, and understanding if this is appropriate and safe.
LIFE SKILLS will offer the chance for individuals to talk about money, learn the value of money and keep ourselves safe with regards to our finances.
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